Helena Christensen – 8 Quotes

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8 Quotes by Helena Christensen


The more people explore the world, the more they realize in every country there’s a different aesthetic. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

– Helena Christensen

There will always be a desire for something new, fresh and innovative, as well as a yearning and respect for timeless elegance and beauty.

– Helena Christensen

From the minute I wake up until I go to bed I think about food.

– Helena Christensen

I am a serious food lover and Peruvian cuisine is one of the best in the world.

– Helena Christensen

I believe food is the most brilliant invention ever.

– Helena Christensen

It’s incredible to have been part of fashion history – my whole career has been one big highlight.

– Helena Christensen

I would love to photograph Stephen Hawking. I am just fascinated by science, I really am.

– Helena Christensen

A beautiful person is someone who stays true to themselves and their spirit someone who is self-confident and can make you smile.

– Helena Christensen